GBF Progression

Grimnir Checklist

Tiamat FLB

Top priority to complete

Grimnir Harps

1 0lb Harp. Can be slotted into your M1 grid. FLB’ing this harp before continuing
1 FLB Harp. Additional harps should be FLB
2 FLB Harps
3 FLB Harps. 100% crit with Tiamat x Tiamat. Good initial stopping point
4 FLB Harps. Stamina-oriented grid
5 FLB Harps. 100% crit with Tiamat x non Tiamat. Very useful for wind OTK setups

Tiamat Guns

3 ULB Guns. A good benchmark, lesser priority than completing 3 FLB harps
6 ULB Guns. Shouldn’t ever need more outside of extremely niche setups