GBF Progression

Class Prioritization

Your first classes

The most important thing when leveling classes is to focus in on one T3 at a time. For example, do not do all T1 then all T2 and then all T3. You will eventually unlock all the classes, but to get the most use out of the first few classes, you should choose a few T3s to go after. The wiki has an excellent chart of all the class dependencies.

You have two choices for your first T3 class - the classical choice is the dark fencer, however hawkeye is also viable if you think you are going to do a lot of leeching. (Hawkeye supplies the treasure hunt debuff, which increases drop rate. It won’t help you in combat much). Whichever you don’t pick should be your second T3.

Remaining classes

There is no particular order for the rest of the classes. Things you may be interested include:

EX classes

Most of the EX classes are not particularly useful, but ones you might be interested in earlier would be

Farming JP (CP) to unlock classes

If you run out of JP/CP, the best way to farm it is through boxing story events. However, this may be hard depending on your current progression - if it is too difficult then it isn’t worth spending a large amount of time dedicated to farming it. Due to its abundance once you can, though, it is no longer recommended to spend any gold moons on JP. That said, if you are a big spender you might consider using one or two.

Fast progression

Players seeking to progress exceptionally fast will want to invest in the Swordmaster class early. It has uses for sliming (to increase your rank progression and reach 101+ faster).