GBF Progression


DPS is what matters (Sort of)

GBF is about racing (blue chest, MVP chest) or just clearing a raid as fast as possible (UBHL, GW). A decent way to quantify racing speed is in the form of DPS. So then what is the point of DPT? There are raids that limit the amount of turns you can take more than others (UBHL, Faa). In those cases, although DPS varies because of raid time, an increase in DPT is a better derminant for speed.

Desyncing Ougis

Using 2 or more damaging ougis in a turn results in a chain burst, which drastically increases lockout. Ougi desync is a way of arranging characters/skills such that there are never 2 or more characters using their ougi at once. This is generally achieved by using characters with various charge bar speeds due to: guaranteed multi attacks, reduced charge bar gain, uplift, etc.