Boxing Events
A “boxing” event typically occurs towards the end of each month and lasts around a week. These are simply standard story events (not reruns) that have a token box which makes them typically rewarding to farm. The token boxes include:
- A partial refund in half potions
- One of the best farmable sources of berries
- SR fodder
- Various items needed for juutenshus and for bullets
- JP to finish your classes
- Crystals in the first 20 boxes
- A summon in each box to reduce for quartz
- Damascus crystals in some of the boxes for newer players (timegated)
The events also drop damascus crystals at a pretty decent rate - about 1 in every 3 boxes.
With all of that it is simple to see why focusing on farming an event could be a priority. If there is nothing else going on then it is a good use of GBF time. At the minimum you should always do 20 boxes once you have a reasonable OTK setup.
OTK setups are also more lenient for these events because of the lower HP and not needing to actually fight the nightmares.
Due to the berries event boxes can act as a potion -> berry conversion. Given potions are easily farmable at slimes this can be very effective if you need a lot of berries, especially for EP-hungry farms like carbuncle raids.